Prepac Manufacturing – Policy Regarding Modern Slavery 2024 (Bill S-211)


Code of Conduct

Our Supplier Code of Conduct requires suppliers and subcontractors to, among other things, abide by applicable employment standards, labour, non- discrimination, and human rights legislation. Where applicable laws do not prohibit human rights discrimination, or where they allow for differential treatment, we expect suppliers and subcontractors to be committed to non-discrimination principles and not to operate in a way that unfairly differentiates between individuals. Our supplier Code of Conduct includes terms relating to Supplier Code compliance. Suppliers must be able to demonstrate that they have policies and procedures in place to confirm that: child, forced or compulsory labour is not used; human rights discrimination and harassment are prohibited; retaliation for speaking up is prohibited and employees are free to raise concerns and speak up without fear of reprisal; appropriate and reasonable background screenings, including investigations for prior criminal activity to support the integrity and good character of the supplier’s employees have been conducted; clear and uniformly applied employment standards are used that meet or exceed legal and regulatory requirements

We do not tolerate slavery or human trafficking in our organization or in those of our suppliers and subcontractors. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and expect our employees, of Prepac to actwithintegrityandcomplywiththeletterandspiritofthelaws,regulations and rules that apply to Prepac in the jurisdictions where we operate.

We have risk assessment and due diligence programs in place for suppliers including confirmation that suppliers acknowledge acceptance of the Supplier Code expectations. We risk assess suppliers at the inception of the business relationship, and review risk profiles on an ongoing basis. If a supplier is flagged for human rights risk, they will be subject to enhanced due diligence. We utilize the US Dept of labour “List of Goods Produced by Child Labour or Forced Labour” to help assess supplier risk by both Country and product type.


Assessing our effectiveness

We intend to continue to assess and refine key performance indicators to measure our success in operationalizing the commitments in our Human Rights Position Statement and continuously improve our approach to human rights. We will continue to continually assess and update our policies and practices to address new challenges and to align with legal requirements and leading industry standards. 



This Statement was approved by the board members of Prepac on May 22, 2024.